

I.33 Buckler Course: Massive Discount + BBB Image Gallery

Published 28 days ago • 1 min read

Celebrate Your Sword Summer!

Hello buckler enthusiasts,

Some of you are eagerly awaiting the midsummer sales campaign which I recently announced, now that the Spanish subtitles for the I.33 sword & buckler online course have been completed. Well, here it is: From now until the midsummer weekend, you will get a 40% discount! You can pay in full, or in 10 monthly instalments of only $30.

Berlin Buckler Bouts Images

While writing today's newsletter, I decided to add an image from the 21st Berlin Buckler Bouts, which were held on 25th/26th May 2024. When choosing from screenshots of a brief video sequence I recorded on Saturday, I realised that they would make a lovely little album. I am sharing it with you on my Patreon now.

I would love to celebrate and fence with you in Berlin next time: The BBB XXII are scheduled for 23rd/24th November 2024. If you wish your name to be added to the invitational list, just respond to this email.

Want to train with us now?

If the prospect of an action-packed weekend of sword & buckler fencing this winter has whetted your appetite for some well-structured training and sound instruction, take a close look at our online course’s curriculum, and watch free video previews while you are there.

Benefit from the midsummer sale until Sunday, 23rd June. I will take the liberty to remind you.

So, that's it for today. Train hard & stay safe!

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please recommend it to your friends. They can sign up here or on my website. Or simply forward them this email.

To learn to fight, consult our sword & buckler online course.

If you wish to read more, find hundreds of related posts on my Patreon. Special thanks to all my loyal supporters on Patreon – you keep me going! And if you are not a patron yet, you are most welcome to join.

If you feel like dropping a coin into my tip jar, you can do so here. Thank you for your time and your interest.



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I am Roland Warzecha, a professional illustrator – and a swordsman. Hence the name ‘Dimicator’ which is a Latin term meaning sword fighter. I present to you cutting-edge research into historical martial arts, and Viking & high medieval sword & shield fighting in particular. I am co-operating with museums, fellow martial artists and scholars worldwide. Renowned expert for historical arms, Dr Alfred Geibig, says: “The careful reconstruction of historical swordsmanship, impressively demonstrated by Mr. Warzecha, is a valuable supplement to archaeological insights, and clearly proves the efficiency of European swords and the sophistication of the associated historical fighting arts.” To get regular up-dates on the archaeology and history of sword & shield and how they were used, sign up for my newsletter! I would be delighted if you would join my quest.

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